Title: Bravepaw and the Heartstone of Alluria: Bravepaw 1 Author and illustrator: L.M. Wilkinson and...
Title: Summer of Shipwrecks Author: Shivaun Plozza Publisher: University of Queensland Press Publication date: September...
Title: The Sugarcane Kids and the Red-bottomed Boat Author: Charlie Archbold Publisher: Text Publishing Publication...
The Grown-Up’s Guide to Picture Books by Lara Cain Gray, illustrated by Timothy Ide and...
Title: Huda Was Here Author: H Hayeck Publisher: Allen and Unwin Publication date: April 2023 Brother and...
Title: How to Break a World Record and Survive Grade Five Author: Carla Fitzgerald Publisher:...
Timeless by Kelly Canby and published by Fremantle Press, the 2024 CBCA Picture Book of...
This is a tender story about Felix who feels he does not fit in at...
Ella and the Amazing Frog Orchestra by Cassy Polimeni, illustrated by Hykie Breeze and published...
Cora Seen and Heard by Zanni Louise and Published by Walker Books holds a mirror...
The Boy Who Tried to Shrink His Name by Sandhya Parappukkaran and illustrated by Michelle...
Title: Sensational Australian Animals Author: Stephanie Owen Reeder Illustrator: Cher Hart Publisher: CSIRO Publishing Publication...