Title: The Glint of Gold
Author: Kate McGann
Illustrator: Patricia Ward
Publisher: Little Pink Dog Books
Publication date: September 1, 2021
Additional notable information: This review is part of a Books on Tour campaign
The Glint of Gold by Kate McGann and illustrated by Patricia Ward is a beautiful wise story of mindfulness, gratitude and hope. It is about the treasure, the times of beauty that shine and shimmer in a day, the experiences that make your heart swell; these are the glints of gold. They can be experienced in a multitude of ways as one can see, hear, smell and touch these golden moments. They can be unexpected and best of all anyone can BE a glint of gold.
This story begins with a powerful statement, “it’s there every day if you look for it. The glint of gold”. This knowledge empowers readers to be aware of the possibility, it is a timely reminder to take the time to be in the moment, to observe and be open to feel the beauty that exists and surrounds us every day. Whether this is in the form of gifts in nature (a blossoming tree or perhaps a sunset filled with an awe inspiring colour palette), an act of kindness or connecting with others. The reader then follows an insightful young girl on a journey as she shares her experiences with glints of gold she encounters throughout her day and she demonstrates how she tries to be a glint of gold in the lives of others. She also shares her observations about the ways she sees her family members being glints of gold. The story closes with her family sharing their glints of gold from the day, expressing gratitude for them and having the peace of mind to know that a new day will bring new opportunities for more gold to be discovered.
This story is timely as the world navigates the constantly changing and evolving situation with COVID. Despite a time of ongoing uncertainty and challenges, this book reminds us that glints of gold are ever present and they can be found in simple forms. The magic is in pausing to observe them in all their glory and being mindful of their presence. Sometimes they come at a time of despair when you need them most and if you pause to appreciate your surroundings, you will be able to notice these gifts.
The stunning vibrant watercolour illustrations capture nature in all its spectacular and colourful splendour They exude the heart warming connection, joy and peace one experiences with being a glint of gold and those same feelings one savours when being gifted these golden moments.
This story inspires readers to pause and look for the glints of gold that exist every day and to observe others who may need a glint of gold gifted to them.
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