Now and Then written and illustrated by Fiona Levings is a non-fiction picture book which explores the stories and similarities that connect the lives of seven year old Doug in 1940 with eight year old Jem in 2019. Doug lived in the same house located in the seaside town of Margate, Tasmania in 1940 that Jem resides in with his family in 2019.
On each double page spread you see Jem’s story on the left hand page and Doug’s on the right which allows for direct comparison between the different times.
The illustrations are wonderfully detailed and provide so much information about the ways in which the environment and way of life has changed enormously over the past eight decades. The succinct text paired with the illustrations inspires children to contrast and compare the developments and social, environmental and economic changes that have taken place over the eighty years.
This book explores the themes of community, continuity and change.