
Author: Sophie Beer

PublisherAllen and Unwin

Publication date: 29 October 2024

Themes: Friendship, adjusting to change, music, identity, family bonds, D/deaf or hard of hearing community

A comprehensive teaching resource is available from the publisher here

Thunderhead is an affirming, powerful, moving middle grade epistolary novel that is sure to make readers feel the full gamut of emotions. Sophie Beer’s authentic characters and voice will no doubt move readers to feel exhilarating joy, despair, fear, hope and gratitude. This story published by Allen and Unwin was inspired by Sophie’s own experience with hearing loss and brain surgery. It is a fictional story about a tween, Thunderhead (an online pseudonym) who has the same tumours Sophie had, a nervous system tumour called an acoustic neuroma. Another commonality that Sophie and Thunderhead share is their deep connection with and utter love for music. Music is a massive part of Thunderhead’s identity; it’s a form of connection not only to the lyrics, but to people who share this passion. In the book Thunderhead explains that music doesn’t just speak to them, it speaks for them. The protagonist, Thunderhead, attempts to navigate their uncertain future, diagnosis, impending brain surgery which will result in the loss of fifty percent of their hearing and grapples with what this will mean for their love of music by writing posts on a defunct internet forum, which Thunderhead affectionately dubs the abyss (this is what constitutes the story, these internet posts). They don’t expect anyone to read these innermost thoughts, it is more of an outlet for Thunderhead and a way to try and make sense of all that is happening. This story is brimming with heart, humour, true friendships, the power of song, the music community and explores themes relating to identity, disability and family bonds.

There are several features that make this story unique and an absolute stand out, including the authentic layered characters, the diverse relationships, perspectives and experiences included as well as the themes relating to  the transformative power of music and friendship that sing. Each chapter begins with an eclectic song playlist that represents the theme of the chapter. It is mind blowing how Sophie Beer knows a song for every occasion, circumstance and experience. Her encyclopaedic knowledge spans different music genres and times. At the end of the book is a Spotify playlist of all the songs included in the story. Just as each chapter starts with a fascinating selection of songs each chapter is signed off creatively to wrap up in such a perfect and succinct way Thunderhead’s feelings. Seamlessly woven into the story are characters that are facing their own trials and support Thunderhead, validate Thunderhead’s feelings and right to grieve what they are about to lose, at least fifty per cent of their hearing, yet are also windows into a world where loss means still experiencing all that makes your heart sing, just discovering new and different ways to do so. The layout of the book is visually driven in the spatial arrangement of the text through different fonts and sizes as well as illustrations peppered throughout that add layers of meaning. This book will appeal to the target audience’s visual culture.

Another new challenge Thunderhead also faces is that their long time best friend, Moonflower (another online pseudonym) is going to a different high school. Moonflower quickly becomes part of the cool group, this sees her change (her taste in music, extra curricular activities and dress) in an attempt to fit in. Thunderhead learns powerful lessons about friendship, identity, disability with their Mum and Pop by their side every step of the way.

The heavy themes are balanced with humour and hope in this fast paced story.  There are many contemporary themes sensitively explored and experiences that tweens and teens navigate, ones they may relate to, or be a window into circumstances that may differ to their lived experiences.

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