Scout and the Rescue Dogs

Scout and the Rescue Dogs by Dianne Wolfer with illustrations by Tony Flowers is oozing with community spirit in the face of adversity, layered, authentic and endearing characters, a glimpse into the world of community outreach by truckies and gorgeous dogs needing to find their forever homes. This story seamlessly weaves together in a riveting […]


Runt by Craig Silvey, illustrated by Sara Acton and published by Allen & Unwin, recommended for readers 8-12, is a fast paced, witty, highly memorable, engaging and ruminative read that I shared with my daughter. Craig Silvey includes many meaty themes such as family selflessly coming together to overcome obstacles, true friendship, grit and resilience […]

Finding You

Finding You, masterfully written by Robert Vescio and exquisitely illustrated by Hannah Sommerville is a heartfelt, tender story about new beginnings and how these often involve courage and being open to possibilities. It’s a story about the beauty in the unexpected, the journey of friendship, unbreakable bonds that form between people and pets as well […]

Old Fellow

Old Fellow by Christopher Cheng and illustrated by Liz Anelli is a glorious, heart-warming tale that reflects on and celebrates companionship, the power of community, connection and the positive and affirming role parks play in a local area.  This tender story deftly explores the unconditional bond a man and dog share. Together they traverse their […]