The Garden of Broken Things

The Garden of Broken Things invites the reader on a journey with Sadie; a journey of discovery, life, loss, the past, history. A journey sparked by insatiable curiosity, freedom and the innocence of a young girl, open minded and with a keen desire to connect and share without fear and judgement. This journey is evocatively […]

The Gift

The Gift by Michael Speechley begins with a curious young girl, Rosie, intrigued by the home over the road which appears to be neglected and has fallen into disrepair. There is little evidence of who lives in this home, most people in the community believe the derelict home to be unoccupied, but Rosie is convinced […]

One Tree

One Tree by Christopher Cheng and illustrated by Bruce Whatley is an outstanding book about the power of one as well as the beauty, joy and memories that can be enjoyed in nature. This story highlights that one nurturing act can have such a tremendous ripple effect. One caring action may be far reaching and […]

Tiny Wonders

Title: Tiny Wonders Author and Illustrator: Sally Soweol Han Publisher: University of Queensland Press – UQP Publication date: 1 February 2022 Themes: Hope, patience, flowers, beauty, joy, Grandmothers, slowing down, community and action. Additional notable information: Teachers’ Notes can be downloaded from the UQP website here. Tiny Wonders by Sally Soweol Han is an uplifting […]