Stories for Simon – A tale of friendship and reconciliation

Recommended for middle to upper primary students, Years 3-6, ages 7-11. Stories for Simon –  A tale of friendship and reconciliation by Lisa Miranda Sarzin and illustrated by Lauren Briggs is a powerful and moving story that explores the importance of learning about Australia’s true history, acknowledging the truths and beginning a shared journey of […]

Books to Explore at the Beginning of the School Year and Revisit Regularly

The following collection of books either promote a growth mindset, celebrate difference and inclusivity, or are a source of inspiration for creating a class inquiry task. These books serve to open up conversations about values, goals, expectations and what the classroom could look, feel and sound like. This list is by no means exhaustive and […]

Advance Australia Fair

EDIT TO ADD (Tony has generously shared some additional information about the steps he undertook for this book as he was acutely aware of the controversial nature of this book): Tony Flowers intention has always been to create a celebratory book about a country, not a tribute to a particular day, or despite the text, […]

Books by First Nations Authors and Illustrators for Primary School Children

Day Break by Amy McQuire, a Darumbal and South Sea Islander woman from Rockhampton in Central Queensland and illustrated by Matt Chun is a picture book that challenges the narrative around Australia Day and highlights Indigenous survival, resistance and resilience. This powerful and confronting story shares information about Australia’s true history as a family make […]